Friday, July 18, 2014

"Catharsis Through Exhaustion"

Isn't this precisely the coming to rest that is maturity: "The best [he] could hope for was to achieve 'catharsis through exhaustion,' where battling against the unshakable realities of the world and the self becomes just too tiring to carry on with, leading to a kind of acceptance that's not always easy to distinguish from, say, completely giving up."
From a NYRB review of Tim Parks' 'Sex is Forbidden' (

The fundamental character of adult life is just this, a kind of acceptance not easily distinguishable from completely giving up. Reminding ourselves again and again of this is our only hope for rekindling lost immaturity and its cursed questions.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

On Method

some are following a path
and others are wandering the fields.
one will never find
because he does not seek,
and the other will remain forever a wanderer.
is which?